Thoughts on the 2/15 County Board of Education Meeting
Reposted from OPAA Facebook Group Written February 15, 2017 Feeling angry. And shaken. And determined. And in very good company. Just got...

Know Your Rights
At our meeting earlier this week, I discussed these ACLU "Know Your Rights" flyers with someone, and I promised to send her copies. I...

I Heart Flyers by CodePink
I found some lovely new flyers I wanted to share by CodePink. These are free to download and distribute. You can find them here in full...

OPAA Action: Letters & Sanctuary
February 14, 2017 OPAA Action: Write Letters of Thanks & Discuss Sanctuary City Status Today 18+ OPAA members met at Orinda Books to...

Ready To Resist, National Strategy & Training Call, 2/12/17
Key takeaways from each speaker Victoria Kaplan, MoveOn.org: Intro Messages for Members of Congress at upcoming Town Halls Do not repeal...

Daily Actions
We normally just post these daily actions on our Facebook page, but we will try to start posting them here more frequently. 02/10/2017-...

OPAA Planning Meeting Recap
THANK YOU ALL for a great OPAA general meeting last night. I lost count at 57 attendees, but I know there were more. If you didn't make...

Support Our Muslim Neighbors
In response to the recent POTUS executive orders, the Interfaith Council invites all to participate in these upcoming ICCCC events....
MoveOn National Call 1/29 Notes
Notes, National Ready to Resist Emergency Call Sponsored by MoveOn.org, Working Families Party, and People’s Action, 1/29/17 Recorded by:...
Phone Banking Training Follow Up
Thanks so much for attending our first phone banking training meeting and especially for sharing your stories. I was inspired by your...