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Phone Banking Training Follow Up

Thanks so much for attending our first phone banking training meeting and especially for sharing your stories. I was inspired by your dedication and passion! We're extremely fortunate to have such a dedicated and hard working group of people to work with.

Special thank you to Sandy & Dave Anderson for hosting! Thank you Monika Pitchford and OPAA for organizing the training.

I’m in the process of setting up a phone bank to Delaware, I will follow up with date next week.

We are having a ACA Phone bank: Wednesday Feb 1st 1 - 3PM to help save the Affordable Care Act. Please come and observe or make calls. Location in Orinda.

Don't forget:

OPAA Planning Meeting:

Tuesday, February 7 at 7 PM - 9 PM

St. Mark's United Methodist Church, 451 Moraga Way, Orinda, CA 94563

Other links mentioned:

Stay Outraged:


Lamorinda for Action Newsletter:

Now that the Women's Marches are done, it's time to focus on taking action!


Indivisible Guide - Former congressional staffers lay out exactly how the tea party got control with relatively few numbers ( much fewer than us), and how we can use their tactics for the good of our country. We don't need to reinvent the wheel - it's all here.

STAND with Planned Parenthood

Saturday, February 11 Call to Action San Jose and Redwood City San Jose - 10 AM - 2 PM 1691 The Alameda, San Jose, California 95126 Redwood City - 8 AM - 5 PM 2907 El Camino Real, Redwood City, CA 94061 ACA-OFA – OPAA Phone Bank

Congressional staff members have confirmed that calls to Senators and Congress-members from their constituents have the greatest impact in their decision making. Join us to make calls to voters in Tennessee and Arizona to ask them to call Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker (Tenn) or Jeff Flake and John McCain (Az), and let them know to vote No on the repeal of ACA.

ACA Phone Bank

Wednesday Feb 1st 1 - 3PM to help save the Affordable Care Act. Location in Orinda. RSVP –

Women’s March Bay Area Last weekend, women, men, and children — showed up in record numbers. Here in the Bay Area, more than 200,000 showed up to march alongside millions of others across the country and the globe to say YES to the reality “we’re all in this together” and NO to Donald Trump’s “alternative facts” that he seems intent on imposing on the rest of us.

Local visits to our local Representatives:

Local focus – employing constituent power by visiting our Reps every week on Tuesday, on a regular basis, to watch and hold them accountable. #ResistTrumpTuesdays. We need this tactic more than ever in the first 100 days of this administration.

This week over 28 constituents visited Rep. Mark DeSaulnier’s district office to voice our support for ACA, and to let him know we have the skills, resources, and community to support him, if he takes bold leadership and works harder for our Democratic values.

Know how your local congressmen/women are voting and hold them accountable. “Countable” is an app to better understand what bills are being debated and make it easier to pester your representatives. Check it out and download #CommitToFlip #IndivibleGuide #SwampCabinet

If you are interested in leading groups on Tuesdays please contact Rebecca Verity with OPAA at

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