OUSD School Board Meeting of 3/13
Hi everyone, I thought I'd try to summarize the meeting last night. There were several speakers including Rebecca Verity. They all had...
OPAA Action Alert
Hi everyone, Yesterday, 7 members of OPAA met with two members of Dianne Feinstein’s staff: Sean Elsbernd, Sate Director, and Abby Ellis,...
Save the Date
Hi Group, The @womensmarchwccc (https://www.facebook.com/WomensMarchWalnutCreek/) ladies are at it again! April 22nd there will be a...
We wanted to tell you about a new texting service that turns your text messages into letters that are faxed to your elected officials —...
Daily Action
Tues March 7, 2017 Adapted from Solidarity Sundays Today is jam-packed with #Actions because our government is jam-packed with...
March 5th Newsletter
Dear OPAA, I don't have a long email for you this week, and yet, of course, the political to-do list has been and remains never ending. ...
Phone Banking Opportunities in Orinda
COMMIT TO FLIP! Feb 25th Special Election: Stephanie Hansen, Democrat for Delaware 10th State Senate District Recruit your friends and...
OPAA Weekly Update
Hello OPAA! It's been a busy week for us. Organizationally, we are excited to announce our Steering Committee. Thank you to Ksenija...
Help Make Lamorinda a Sanctuary Community
OPAA was recently contacted by a group of local citizens who have joined together to try to make Lamorinda a Sanctuary Community. They...
Request for "diversity board resolution" from Orinda USD board
With the support and participation of many Orindans and OPAA members, we presented our request for a diversity board resolution at the...