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Hi Group, The @womensmarchwccc ( ladies are at it again! April 22nd there will be a Earth Day Science March in Walnut Creek at Civic Park. 10:30-1. This will include a march through downtown, speakers and booths, etc. They have reached out to invite OPAA members both to attend, and for the following three reasons:

1. If you know of environmental groups or groups of scientists who would be great to have at a table/ booth at the march, we would like to hear from them. You can contact Rachel ( or me (Rebecca) with an email address and I'll send you their flyer, which you can pass on to your organization.

2. If you know of some incredible, dynamic speakers, who can address Science or Environmental issues in an engaging way, we are open and ready to hear about them. You can have them reach out to Leslie Shafton ( Leslie is coordinating our speakers.

3. Finally, if you would like to get involved as volunteers, they’d be thrilled to hear from you as well. You can sign up to volunteer at our Women’s March email:

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