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OPAA Action: Letters & Sanctuary

February 14, 2017

OPAA Action: Write Letters of Thanks & Discuss Sanctuary City Status

Today 18+ OPAA members met at Orinda Books to write letter of thanks to elected officials and others taking a public stand against #45. Together wrote 170 letters and postcards!

A few of us also made a plan to try to have Orinda designated as a Sanctuary City. If you are interested in joining our efforts, please email us at:

Some of the recipients of our letters and postcards include:

(Please note, some of these "thank you" suggestions come directly from Solidarity Sundays, some we edited, and some are ours).

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, 2400 JFK Federal Building , 15 New Sudbury Street , Boston, MA 02203

Rep. Stephanie Murphy, for introducing H.R. 804, the Protecting the National Security Council from Political Interference Act of 2017, which would restructure the NSC and remove Steve Bannon. 225 E Robinson, Suite 525, Orlando, FL 32801

Rep. Beth Fukumoto for standing up for justice regardless of her party affiliation, and for refusing to endorse the racist, misogynist rhetoric of the DT Administration. Up until recently Fukumoto was the Republican Minority Leader in the Hawaiian State House of Representatives—that is, until the 33-year old “moderate conservative” gave a speech at the Women’s March in Hawaii, where she decried the racism and sexism of DT’s campaign. Her colleagues ousted her the next day, prompting her to issue a letter stating that she is considering leaving the GOP.

415 S. Beretania St., Room 333, Honolulu, HI 96813

The Honorable Judge Ann Donnelly for being the Federal Judge in Brooklyn, NY, who granted an emergency stay of part of President Donald Trump’s immigration ban on January 28th.

225 Cadman Plaza East, Courtroom 4GN, Brooklyn, New York 11201

Rep. Maxine Waters (CA) 10124 South Broadway, Suite 1, Los Angeles, CA 90003

Rep. Nancy Pelosi for publicly calling Steve Bannon a ‘White supremacist” in an interview with CNN. During a House Democrats policy conference she said, “This is a government that has the characteristics of an authoritarian regime.” 90 7th Street Suite 2-800, San Francisco, CA 94103

Rep. Barbara Lee for being one of the fiercest and most consistent progressive voices in Congress, and for speaking out against DT and for speaking UP for women, for Black Americans, for refugees and Muslims at all times, 1301 Clay Street, Ste. 1000-N, Oakland, CA 94612

The Honorable Judge James Robart (and appointee of George W. Bush) has temporarily blocked Trump’s Muslim travel ban – ruling in favor of the attorneys general of Washington state and Minnesota who sought to overturn the order. United States Courthouse, 700 Stewart Street, Suite 14128, Seattle, WA 98101 - 9906

Now-former Attorney General Sally Yates, whose made the bold order that the Justice Dept not defend the Muslim + Refugee Ban. US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC 20503. (We were informed that mail to this address will be forwarded to her).

Senator Kamala Harris for attending the protests and speaking out immediately after DT’s Muslim ban: “We will fight against racism. We will fight against anti-Muslim rhetoric. We will fight against those who will marginalize who we are.” P.O. Box 78393. San Francisco, CA 94107-8393

Rep Mark DeSaulnier for boycotting the inauguration and for continuing to speak up in support of the ACA. 101 Ygnacio Valley Road, Suite #210, Walnut Creek, CA 94596

Mayor Betsy Hodges (Minneapolis) For standing up to pressure and declaring that Minneapolis will remain a sanctuary city despite DT’s threats. 350 S. 5th St., Room 331, Minneapolis, MN 55415

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) Thank Jerrold Nadler for filing the “resolution of inquiry” asking Attorney General Jeff Sessions to provide “copies of any document, record, memo, correspondence, or other communication of the Department of Justice” that pertains to any “criminal or counterintelligence investigation” into Trump, his White House team or certain campaign associates; any investment made by a foreign power or agent thereof in Trump’s businesses; Trump’s plans to distance himself from his business empire; and any Trump-related examination of federal conflict of interest laws or the emoluments clause of the Constitution. 6605 Fort Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11219

Senator John McCain for continuing to push for the creation of a special committee to handle an investigation into Russia and last year’s elections. 2201 East Camelback Road #115, Phoenix, AZ 85016

Blake, Erik & Peter Nordstrom, Owners for dropping the Ivanka Trump brand from it’s stores. 1617 6th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101

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